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Support and Services Available in North Lincolnshire

Below is a table summarising the support and services that are available in North Lincolnshire which may be of use to the families of children and young people we see. We have also included contact details for each.

Adult Information Service

  • Can tell you about what services or activities for adults exist in your area, signpost you to other council services or organisations that may be useful to you, and answer any general queries you have about services to adults.


Autism Spectrum Education Team

Provide support to children, young people and families including:

  • Information and resources about Autism related difficulties.
  • Support for your child in their setting.
  • Working with other professionals and agencies who may be of help to the family.
  • Parent / carer coffee mornings in Scunthorpe at the Autism Spectrum Education Team bases.
  •  Parent support groups in Brigg and Epworth. These are open to all and Autism Spectrum Education Team can attend on request.
  • Supporting Social Communication and Interaction – a Programme for Parents and Professionals is an 8-week course for families of children and young people up to age 11 with a diagnosis of Autism or at Watchful Wait or have social communication and interaction challenges.
  • Support for Parents of Autistic Adolescents is an 8-week programme to support the parents of teenagers with ASD.
  • Workshops for parents who have attended Social Communication and Interaction Programme or Support for Parents of Autistic Adolescents such as Writing Social Stories.
  • Work with the siblings of children who have autism, who may require support in understanding Autism.

Telephone: 01724 296679


Behaviour Support Team

Provides support to children who have, or are likely to have, significant social emotional and mental health difficulties in settings. Support and guidance is provided through outreach visits to individual pupils in:

  • Early Years Providers settings
  • Primary schools
  • Through training to Secondary schools
  • Transition support to nursery settings and to secondary schools may be provided when required.

They work with school staff to advise, train and equip them to better understand and deal with challenging behaviour. Parent Pitstop is a 10-week course run by the Team for parents of children up to the age of 6 years who are experiencing behavioural or emotional difficulties at home.

Telephone: 01724 296607


Carers Support Service

The Carers’ Support Service work with Carers, enabling them to access information and advice, work through difficult emotions, have time to themselves, socialise with peers and have a voice. There are a number of groups that focus on Parent Carers which include:

  • Coffee & Chat Parent Peer Support Group.
  • Sibling support for brothers and sisters (aged 8- 15yrs) of a child with a disability or additional needs. Support to understand their sibling’s conditions, recognise experiences and provide coping strategies/acknowledgement of their role.


Telephone: 01652 650585


Family Hubs

Family Hubs are for everyone to enjoy. Offering advice, help and sessions to support families within North Lincolnshire. The services are free of charge and activities are inclusive to all children, young people and parents and carers.

The hubs provide a range of family support and activities from early years activities, family health, parenting, money matters, training, craft activities, messy play, baby yoga and baby massage, sensory play and story times.



Community Wellbeing Hubs

Offer advice and support for vulnerable adults over the age of 18 who are at risk of social isolation due to physical or learning disability, mental ill health, long-term condition or are an older person. Young people during transition 16 to 19 years and Carers.

Activities in the hubs and local community will vary and may include support to access employment and meaningful activity, activities and support for carers, over 75 wellbeing check, activities, targeted workshops on issues such as dementia, nutrition, home and personal safety, access to services including bathing, podiatry and other health topics, volunteering opportunities, information and signposting to other services.

Telephone: 01724 298319


Complex Behaviour Team

Provides advice and support for parents and carers of a child who has a learning disability and / or Autism, who shows challenging behaviour at home. They support parents and carers to understand their child’s behaviour by helping them to find new ways to manage behaviours and exploring why the behaviours might be happening. They work closely with: school staff, specialist disability social worker and other professionals.

Telephone: 01724 296679


Educational Psychology

Work with children & young people aged 0-25 and the professionals who support them.  They specialise in how children and young people develop. Educational Psychologists work in partnership with adults to understand the needs of children and young people better. They help them develop their own skills to work with children and young people. Parents / carers should talk to the SENCO at their child’s or young person’s school or Early Years Setting. If they agree that their child or young person is not making progress or is not developing socially or emotionally, then they can arrange for them to meet the Educational Psychologist.

Telephone: 01724 296679


Family Information Service

The Family Information Service offers free, impartial, Information, advice and assistance to parents and carers in North Lincolnshire on a wide range of topics including finding Ofsted registered childcare, reducing childcare costs, activities for children and young people and family support, produce a monthly e-newsletter (Family Focus), and a ‘Children and Young People’s Activity Guide’.



North Lincolnshire Local Offer website

The local offer website provides information on the support and provision available locally for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities. The Local Offer is a way to make it easier for you to find out about education, health and care services available to children and young people from birth to 25 with special educational needs and disabilities.


North Lincolnshire Parents’ Involvement and Participation Forum

North Lincolnshire’s Parent Forum is run by a dedicated group of volunteers. Each of them has a child, children and or young people with special educational needs and or disabilities. They support families in North Lincolnshire with children and young people between 0 and 25 years of age at any stage of the process who also have special educational needs and or disabilities. They provide this support by hosting events, like coffee mornings and evenings, family fun events at Air Kings and Fun Forest and the annual co-produced SEND Parent Carer Conference amongst many, many others, throughout the year for their parent carer members and their families. They also host a unique social media channel that members can join to access direct support and peer experience.


Telephone: 08453 889984 Mobile:   07510 211696

North Lincolnshire Special Educational Needs and Disability Information Advice and Support Service

A statutory service that provides confidential and impartial information, advice and support to parents and carers about issues relating to Special Educational Needs and Disability. This includes health and social care matters. The service is free, easy to access and confidential. They will listen to your views, and ensure they are included in decisions affecting your child or young person.  They will explain your rights and responsibilities Including mediation and appeals to the SEN and Disability. They have a range of information resources, provide training and support the development of local policies.

Telephone: 01724 277665 (direct line/24 hour answer phone)


Short Breaks Team

Short Breaks provide an opportunity for disabled children and young people to take part in fun activities. Short breaks can help contribute to the child and young person’s social inclusion and personal development.

Short breaks take a variety of forms. In addition, they include the provision of day, evening, overnight and weekend activities. Short breaks can take place in the child’s own home, in a community setting, the home of an approved carer, or in a residential setting.

Telephone: 01724 407988


Well Being and Young Carers Team

A young carer is a person under 18 who regularly provides emotional and/or practical support and assistance for a family member who is disabled, physically or mentally unwell or who misuses substances. The North Lincolnshire Wellbeing and Young Carer Team offer information and advice to children and families where there is an identified young carer role present.

Telephone: 01724 296679
