Referral Criteria
The CAMHS-ID pathway provides a service to children who have a significant intellectual disability and additional complex behavioural or mental health need, typically this is a child in a special school. The ID team is part of CAMHS and as such follows the same referral guidelines. We aim to work in partnership with families and other agencies involved with the child or young person, carrying out assessments and interventions with individuals, families or groups, or offering consultation to agencies. Children with mild ID are supported within mainstream CAMHS. The CAMHS-ID service does not routinely assess I.Q scores for children or offer a diagnostic service for suspected intellectual disability. Cognitive attainment levels are mostly obtained through school reports or Educational Psychology assessments.
We accept referrals to the service from children and young people who:
- Are between 5 and 18 years of age
- Are resident in North Lincolnshire or registered with a North Lincolnshire doctor
- Have a significant Intellectual Disabilities
- Display severe challenging behaviour or mental health problems that require the input of a specialist
Exclusion Criteria
Requests for service will not be accepted for children and young people with:
- Mild Intellectual Disability
- Higher functioning Autistic Spectrum Disorders – average or above average intelligence,
- Acquired head or brain injury
- Issues that are school based only, where the family does not require support – these should be supported by educational services such as Educational Psychology and Behaviour Support services
Factors which may indicate no significant Intellectual Disability
- Successfully attend mainstream education without support.
- Gained qualifications.
- Able to complete complex tasks such as manage personal finances, social life and use public transport unaided.
- Have a recorded IQ above 55.
Factors which may indicate a moderate, severe or profound Intellectual Disability
- Record of delayed development/difficulties with social functioning and daily living.
- Requires significant assistance to provide for own survival (eating and drinking, personal care, stay warm and clothed) and/or with social/community adaption (e.g. Social problem solving/reasoning).
- Presence of all three criteria for ID i.e.
- Impairment of intellectual functioning/social adaptive functioning and age of onset.
- A range of information presenting a picture of difficulties in several areas of function, not explainable by another diagnosis.
- Contact with specialist Intellectual Disability Service.
NB – The presence of specific Intellectual disorders (impairment in reading, impairment in written expression, and impairment in mathematics), Cerebral Palsy, Autism or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, or brain injury alone does not indicate the person has an intellectual disability.
The following information is essential for us to process the referral
- Reason for this referral (please provide details of current circumstances and what the referrer is requesting from the CAMHS Intellectual Disability Service)
- If not specified earlier, what leads you to believe they have a moderate, severe or profound intellectual disability? Please see Appendix 1 for more guidance.
- Any information you would like to provide that is not covered elsewhere?
- If there is supporting documentation, please attach, for example, Psychology Report, Assessment of need if referring from another Local Authority
What specific services do we provide
Interventions may be with a child or young person on their own, or with their family or with a group. They might include:
- Assessment of skills, strengths and specific difficulties
- Support in conjunction with Neuro-developmental pathway: Neuro-developmental assessments:
- Autistic Spectrum Condition
- Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- Psychiatric assessment and medication
- Behaviour management advice & interventions
- Counselling for young people and parents
- Psycho-education
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
- Training in Intellectual disabilities and mental health or developmental problems
- Group work
- Family work
- We may also offer consultation and training to other services and families, including those working with pre-school children, and where appropriate may work jointly with referrer and other services to offer the best package of care.