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Eating Disorder Assessment

We aim to offer an assessment within 4 weeks of receiving a referral. An assessment will typically involve a number of different team members, to ensure that we offer a thorough assessment and consider multi-disciplinary perspectives. The purpose of the assessment is to determine if the referred young person is presenting with an Eating Disorder and whether Community Eating Disorders Service is the right team to be offering support for their presenting difficulties. If we feel that Community Eating Disorders Service is not the right team to help, we will do our best to identify appropriate support from other services.

Immediately following the assessment, we will offer feedback and a diagnosis, if appropriate. If an Eating Disorder is identified, we will provide the young person and their family with some relevant information and an appropriate care plan to support them in their recovery.

Eating Disorders are complex mental health difficulties and frequently influenced by a range of interacting factors. Because of this, our assessments will cover a range of topics, including eating behaviours, physical health, early development, as well as social, family and education factors.