The role of the Getting Advice Team is to triage requests for advice/support that come into North Lincolnshire CAMHS (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service) where there are concerns that a child / young person may be experiencing the following mental health difficulties:
- Anxiety
- Depression/ Low mood
- Psychosis
- Obsessive- Compulsive Disorder
- Eating Disorders
- Self-harm / Suicidal thoughts
- Intellectual Disabilities (with mental health presentation).
We can accept requests for advice in the following ways
From young people
- Telephone call (Parental consent needed if under 14). Our admin team will ask you for some information about you and your current difficulties. Then a member of the Getting Advice Team will call you back.
- E-Clinic – You can book an appointment to chat to us online by downloading the app.
Download the app from Apple Store Download the app from Google Play - We are unable to accept requests for assessments of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and/or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) from children/young people. If you would like an assessment then ask your teacher at school /college or your GP to help. Your parent/carer can also help you with this.
From professionals, parents/carers and young people over 14:
We ask that you complete the appropriate online referral form. This will be sent directly through to the team who will triage within 24hrs.
Prior to contacting TALK to CAMHS, please ensure that you have gained consent for this consultation from the young person (if Gillick Competent*) or from parent/carer (if the young person is not Gillick Competent*). The young person and parent/carer should fully understand that relevant information may be shared with appropriate agencies.
What is Gillick Competence?
It is the competence of a child under the age of 16 to consent to his/her own medical care. If a child or young person is not Gillick competent they are therefore deemed to lack the capacity to consent, and consent can be given on their behalf by someone with parental responsibility or by the court.
When can I expect to hear back from someone?
We are available:
Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm (except Bank Holidays).
Tel: 01724 408460
All requests will be triaged within 24 hours, following this contact will be made within 2 weeks.
What happens next?
Initially we will make contact with the person requesting advice to find out some more information about the current difficulties and what support has already been tried. Following this we may contact other important people in the child/young person’s life. This will help us to think through with you the best steps forward. This may include us providing resources/self-help or signposting to other avenues of support.
For some children/young people it will be identified that specialist CAMHS support is required, at this stage Getting Advice work to ensure these children / young people are able to receive support from our colleagues in both the Getting Help Pathway and Getting Risk Support.

Complete our questionnaire.
Thank you for your time